Welcome to AnimalCrossingFan24's boring user page...

From Nookipedia, the Animal Crossing wiki

AnimalCrossingFan24s Personal Image.jpg
Edit count 212 (155 in mainspace)
Gender Male
Joined December 16th 2019
Service Editor and Trustee
Appearances Nookipedia, Discord, Nookazon

Howdy there User, the names AnimalCrossingFan24, I have joined here on December 16th 2019. I'm happy to be here to help out this wiki as best I possibly can!

I have been playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf since December 27th 2013 (my first ever town was mistakenly deleted, I have been playing it 2 days before the 27th, but nothing to worry about now). Currently moved on from New Leaf to New Horizons and boy am I loving it already!

Other Wikis im on: MarioGamerFan24 (MarioWiki)

Discord: RicoGamerBoi#7138 Do note: im not much of a friend request person... and not much of a talker as well.

I am also on Nookazon if interested, not that I don't sell much on there but, ye never know: https://nookazon.com/profile/2047553842/listings

List of Pages I created

Here is a list of pages I have created so far to help out this wiki:

10 favorite villagers of all time

These are 10 of my favorite villagers of all time.

New Leaf:

New Horizons:

Portia was on the list for a bit, but eventually I got Nan back, I do love Portia and had a difficult decision of getting her to move out but I really wanted Nan back for good.

Favorite Special Characters

These are my favorite special characters.

Villagers I do not like

This is a list of some villagers I really do not like, which may be the way they look and appearance. (This only applies to the ones I met in game throughout my game life):

My opinions on New Horizons so far

Here is some things of what I thought about this game:

The Goods

  • The Island Designer App: Now this, when I first seen it in the direct back in February 2020, I was absolutely stunned. You can literally take your designing skills to the next level with many possibilities! Course to me myself...I'm not as good as all the others out there...
  • Major/Minor Updates at a later date: I personally find this quite understandable, plus it also makes time travel less unique and I find it a ruined experience (course things in me mind attend to get complicated when years go by and its sometimes useful...go figure).
  • The Hourly Music: I mean it's totally obvious, can't have a animal crossing game without hourly music! (Especially 3 AM music, makes you wonder why you want to play it at this hour?).
  • Some Interesting Villager Conservations: There will be times where one villager to another will have a conservation, most of them are good, some are repeated, a few are hilarious!
  • The Reactions: As of January 23, 2021, we got over 60 reactions, the ones before an update are pretty good and sameold, along with some we never get before, the new ones are pretty hilarious if ye ask me, course if ya seen unused reactions, there's some we do not have yet and it may come in a future update...

The Bads

  • Lack of new villager conservations: Ima be honest with ye... this game has lack of conservations, every time you talk to your villagers, they may repeat the same thing again overtime, and it is annoying, but we all have to endure it till one day a future update makes things more interesting...
  • The Breakable Tools: I guess its...somewhat between understandable and crazy, for years we been having unbreakable tools (except the axe till you get the gold one) and when they are all breakable, it's gonna be annoying to make another...but we all just have to accept this fate and suffer, unless nintendo has a way to make tools unbreakable but I highly doubt that would happen...
  • Overwhelming complaints on the internet: I mean, come on people, I know were missing a few things in new horizons, and I find this annoying. And of course due to COVID-19 there isn't much else to do there, and patiently waiting for updates to happen, or just straight up abandon the game and do something else until you eventually come back, I find this game enjoyable, there is nothing wrong with it (with some exceptions I can probably agree on) but please, just enjoy it all you can.
  • An Endless amount of DIY recipes: This is a big issue that is very annoying to endure, there you are talking to your villager who is making something or pickup one of your daily message bottles with recipes and BAM, sameold sameold recipe, course there can be some out there who do not have it but i find this stressful. Can't we just get a new recipe we don't have and if we have them all, we get the sameold ones then? Ugh...

Number one best by far

  • Nookazon: Now back when the game was first release, things were taking shape, then there is the point where we cant get all variants of the same item. That's until this website steps in, and boy, its quite good but i have not been using until early december 2020. Loads of thing to do!